Friday, October 26, 2007

Job well done, Brother Esquire

This morning was one of those mornings when I was reminded of how quickly times moves. My brother, just after 8am, called to let me know that he passed the Ohio Bar Exam. He'll be sworn in on November 5th. I asked him how long after that he'll begin to practice law at his father-in-law's firm.

"November 6th", he replied. "We've got bills."

Welcome to the world of work, Brother Esquire

Seems like only yesterday mom and dad brought this little bundle with eyes home from the hospital.

Only yesterday I had to make airplane noises to get him to eat another bite of that horrible jarred baby food.

Only yesterday that he attacked me with a pillow, only to get pummeled.

Only yesterday I'd scrounge up enough money to take him to the arcade and get a couple of pretzels at the mall.

Only yesterday he came down to Miami for "Little Sibs" for nights of watching movies and a day at Kings Island.

Only yesterday that on one of those days at Kings Island we tried out the new waterpark even though it was only 55 degrees outside.

Only yesterday he broke his thumb skiing at Boyne.

Only yesterday I wondered if he'd navigate the murky seas of adolescence and college life relatively unscathed.

Only yesterday I realized how much more important it was to be his brother, than his pastor.

Only yesterday... it seems.

Alas, now he's married, owns a dog (Spike the Chihuahua), rents a house, and (after two years as a clerk in the Public Defender's office in Lucas County) already knows his way around a court room. I've said before that up to this point that I have been the older, wiser brother called to dispense advice and generally provide guidance. But as time goes by, there's less and less I'll know that he doesn't. Now, slowly, I get the feeling that, in many ways, the shoe will be on the other foot. As he continues to grow in wisdom and stature in his profession, and life, that it'll be Andy who we'll look to for guidance on various matters I'd rather not think about....




Durable Powers of Attorney

Living Wills

I've no doubt, given how quickly these yesterdays have passed, that time, in its relentlessness will force us to deal with issues of mortality... and all those things, legally, that must be dealt with during those dark days.

But today is not the day to think of such things.

Congrats Brother Esquire! Remember what got you here... a good sense of personal responsibility and lots of hard work. Plan well for the future. Never take your lovely wife, and (eventually) family for granted. Always remember as one blessed by God with much, the responsibility you have to serve "the least and the lost". And may your hope always be in the risen Christ, who has redeemed you from sin and iniquity, so that you might live in the Kingdom of Heaven, now and forever.

We couldn't be prouder.

Job well done, Brother Esquire. Job well done.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Andy!
    I never doubted that you would pass. And I know you will be an awesome lawyer! :)
