Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ten Things I Think I Think (Video Version)

1) Really, I don't have much to say this week. Big deadlines for lots of papers are looming, and I really spent most of last week doing not a whole lot. Thus, since Dad loves it when I leave video clips, here are five for your enjoyment. Here's a pseudo debate between Jim Wallis and Tony Perkins on the eve of the past election...

2) This is a clip from Rob Bell's "Nooma" series. Rob Bell, founding pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, is considered one of the foremost post-modern preachers. He's become so popular that last summer he rented a bus, and booked thirty clubs in thirty days, and toured the country like a rock singer, only preaching instead of playing music. He sold out every venue he played. These videos were produced by Bell as part of a series meant to teach the Bible in a kind of non-familar sort of way....

3) This is an interview between James Dobson and Larry King on the Ted Haggard situation, and Dobson's theories on where homosexuality comes from...

4) This is a fascinating debate between Scott Atran, an anthropologist from the University of Michigan and Sam Harris, at a conference geared toward trying to engage a number of scientists to think about the issue of religion and ethics. Harris beats his drum that religion ends conversation because religious ideas aren't rational, but Atran does a devistating critique of Harris' postulates about religious belief and experience...

5) What would be your reaction if your church produced this clip to be used as part of their worship service on Sunday morning? Recently Granger Community Church in Granger, Indiana made headlines by heavily promoting a sermon series that took on the topic of sex, and drew a lot of fire because of the way they chose to promote the series. Here's the link to the web site they created as a part of the promotion....

6) From the mouths of babes. A youth group talks frankly about their church...

7) A spokeswoman from the Westboro Baptist Church, which is the congregation demonstrating at military funerals. A bizarre clip inspired by a bizarre group of people...

8) The commercial that changed the way professional sports and Nike did business. A watershed moment in American advertising...

9) And even set to Christian music. Didn't think you'd get away from clips from this game did you?

10) Here's kind of a sample of what the church we've been attending in Lexington is like. It is, by no means, your ordinary church...

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